Heating & Cooling
Frigoystem’s thermo-refrigerator HC is a brilliant, compact, all-in-one solution which integrates in one monobloc unit, either the cooling process and the thermoregulation for any industrial application.
The unit is electronically controlled by a centralized digital microprocessor, where the operator can set up to 3 di fferent temperatures for the water outlets.
LCD display with a very intuitive graphics and text descriptions for all working functions and alarms.
A dual function within the same machine is able to manage a water temperature from -10°C (14°F) to +90°C (194°F) with remarkable advantages like:
• temperature accuracy
• pressure constancy of the fluid to the utility
• productivity increase
• energy saving
• decreased maintenance costs
• reduced footprint beside the main process machine
The cooling phase is performed by a refrigeration system utilizing ecological gas and long lasting hermetic compressors.
Water condensation, highly efficient even in the most critical ambient conditions.
The free-cooling function can maximize the energy savings by stopping the compressors when ambient temperatures are favorable.
Cold water storage tank constructed in stainless steel. Stainless steel plate heat exchangers.
Centrifugal pumps equipped with bypass.
Automatic water feeding.
Hydraulic circuit with completely insulated stainless steel pipes.
The unit is equipped, as standard, with 1 or 2 independent thermo-regulated outlets (Optional 3rd outlet by request), the temperature range is -10 (14°F) to 90°C (194°F).
Every utility outlet can be customized, basing on the application, with variable water pressure, different water flow and heating capacity. AISI 316 heaters.
Accurate temperature control ± 0,5°C (1°F) by means of 3 way modulating valves.
The electronic controllers of the Frigosystem HC thermorefrigerators have an excellent connectivity to other units.
Their program flexibility can match with the most demanding applications and grant a perfect local and remote control, thanks to the connectivity module FS i-LINK.
The user-friendly and intuitive interface is supported by a wide,backlit graphic display with several multifunctional keys.
A single HC thermo-refrigerator can control the process temperatures on the following
INJECTION, BLOW MOULDING, THERMOFORMING (mould heating in the starting phase,
consequent cooling and constant with one HC unit also in case of double zone mould).
EXTRUSION (roll heating in the starting phase, consequent cooling and constant thermoregulation
with one HC unit).
LAMINATION AND CONVERTING (rolls heating in the starting phase, consequent cooling
and constant thermoregulation with one HC unit).